I've now retired from active customer work (on 30th March), but still have a fair few techie projects on the go, so I thought I would document them here.
General tidying up:
- Using Google Calendar as my day to day diary
- Regaining access to Teams
- Moving my cloud storage from Dropbox to OneDrive
- Digitising a lot of family photographs
- Audio and video
- Using Visual Studio and Azure DevOps properly
- Cleaning up various horrible scripting mechanisms to use PowerShell
- Automation of mySQL backups
- Tidy up my cpanel hosting environment (deletion of loads of ancient experiments, etc.)
- Sort out non-mySQL backups for my hosting (I have never yet found a fully usable solution for this)
- Transferring the website across to Meridian to look after
- Updating Google Analytics usage to use their new offering
- Various proposals concerning research and data quality aids (a lot of thinking and discussion still needed here)